what people say

Recent Survey Results

Results of recent survey completed by some of the residents at Manor Community and St. Mary's Residential Care Home.

What people say

I like it here, it is a nice crowd together we have nice people looking after us. we are lucky to have a nice assortment of food. we are very lucky here. We have nice people here, its homely. No one is left out, everyone is mixed together and everyone gets on
“Everyone I have met here is friendly and kind, the food is brilliant, I am vegetarian and I get the food I would like , I do not feel left out. I feel safe and I see my family when I would like. I am happy”
"All staff are excellent and go out of their way, they have the patience to listen which helps those who are lonely"
"It's reassuring I have the same staff who visit me because they know my needs so well" 

“Dad is very settled and content here. He's telling me that he has no worries and everyone is very nice which is great to hear”

"I see very caring staff who support people to follow their dreams" 
"Thank you for letting me live here and for all your warm welcomes. All the staff were very nice, bless you all"
"There were no restrictive practices and daily routines were flexible and centred around personal choices and preferences" 
CQC report
"There was a person-centred culture and a commitment to providing high quality care and support" 
CQC report
"You all do a fantastic job here with the residents, it's always a pleasure to visit" 
"They are all good as gold, ten plus karat gold" 
"Staff were passionate about enhancing people’s lives and promoting their well-being."
CQC report
“I think it is excellent that the same care worker visits each week, this is good because of relationship building with the client and continuity. Also greatly helps my sister especially as she has schizophrenia, she likes regular patterns, familiar face and routines”.
“The service was effective. People were supported by staff that received regular training. Training undertaken ensured their knowledge was current and in accordance with current guidance.”
CQC report
"My relative is very happy, we feel reassured that they are in safe hands. The staff have been wonderful, we cannot fault the care and attention they give, we are extremely happy".
CQC report

“This is just a quick note to say thank you for the warm reception when we visited mum! Please extend our gratitude to all staff - from managers, personal carers to the kitchen staff to hair/salon carer… all were incredibly generous and kind to us and obvious in their warmth towards mum. Thank you!”


“Thank you for all the hard work you have put in to support resident with the move, she has settled really well. The home is the Best Care home in the area that I have been to, it is person centred and has such a homely feel. I have seen the difference in resident and how happy she is. The work you managers put in is incredible.”

Social Worker

“The home is very knowledgeable and caring towards all of the residents, I have great faith within all the residents being cared for in the correct way. The home is like being at home , it is so homely.”

GP Surgery
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